Hosted IP telephone solution
With endless free updates and maximum flexibility, conventional telephone systems, or on-premise PBXs located in your office(s) with expensive maintenance contracts and engineering visits, are a thing of the past. As with many business applications and services such as email and CRM/ERP, telephony is also moving to the cloud for maximum flexibility, resilience and cost benefits.
Organisations adopting Cloud telephony are realising the benefits over con- ventional solutions including lower costs, easier roll-out, increased control, automatic updates, built-in business continuity, and a scalable pay-as-you- grow model that provides ultimate flexibility for businesses of all sizes.
Whatever the future holds in store for telephony and unified communications – with NFON you are guaranteed to be future-proof. The NFON Cloud Telephone System is always up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology; it is the perfect solution for organisations with 2 to 249,000 employees.
The NFON Cloud Telephone System delivers your phone calls via your Internet connection, allowing you to simply access them from wherever you are; whether at the office, on the road, or at your home office.
100% free updates – 100% future-proof – 100% maintenance-free