Hosted IP telephone solution

With endless free updates and maximum flexibility, conventional telephone systems, or on-premise PBXs located in your office(s) with expensive maintenance contracts and engineering visits, are a thing of the past. As with many business applications and services such as email and CRM/ERP, telephony is also moving to the cloud for maximum flexibility, resilience and cost benefits.

Organisations adopting Cloud telephony are realising the benefits over con- ventional solutions including lower costs, easier roll-out, increased control, automatic updates, built-in business continuity, and a scalable pay-as-you- grow model that provides ultimate flexibility for businesses of all sizes.

Whatever the future holds in store for telephony and unified communications – with NFON you are guaranteed to be future-proof. The NFON Cloud Telephone System is always up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology; it is the perfect solution for organisations with 2 to 249,000 employees.

The NFON Cloud Telephone System delivers your phone calls via your Internet connection, allowing you to simply access them from wherever you are; whether at the office, on the road, or at your home office.

100% free updates – 100% future-proof – 100% maintenance-free



NFON’s fully resilient Hosted UCC platform ensures business continuity, with services and features kept safely in the cloud so communications remain unaffected in the event of an on-site disaster.

› Direct, high-speed, resilient connections to BT network (BT IP Exchange).

› Hosted exclusively in high-performance, geo-redundant Tier 4 data centres.

› Geo-resilience provides 99.9% reliability.

› Multi-redundant utility and security equipment (electricity, AC, access & fire safety).

› ISO/IEC 27001 data centre certification.

Great companies we work with and alongside

We pride ourselves on offering the highest possible standard of service when it comes to all of our mobile communications solutions and our industry accreditations are testament to that. Our current accreditations include: